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Monday, August 24, 2020
Trademark Act in India free essay sample
A reference to merchandise will suggest benefits additionally, except if the setting restricts it. Exchange Marks are at the focal point of worldwide business today. They are the significant wellspring of item separation and non-value rivalry in a cutting edge, advertise driven economy. Purchasers come to relate certain incentive as far as execution, toughness, cost, after-deals administration and so forth in the merchandise sold under explicit brands, which might be among the best resources of the undertaking. In the language of the law, brand names are known as exchange marks. A few items, of a similar classification or of various classifications, can be promoted under one brand name. As of late, non-visual signs have made a solid case for acknowledgment as exchange marks. Smell and sound signs fall under such classification however they are not yet perceived in India. A few telecom associations and film makers have explicit mark tunes to recognize their projects. The idea of recognizing the wellspring of assembling by an imprint is an antiquated one. We will compose a custom paper test on Trademark Act in India or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Marks of skilled workers have been discovered engraved on products sent to Iran from India exactly 3000 years back! Be that as it may, exchange mark picked up significance after the modern transformation when huge scope creation and istribution of products everywhere throughout the world got conceivable and exposure through print and broad media got important. The utilization of present day exchange mark as an unmistakable sign to demonstrate the starting point or wellspring of the item, conveying with it a relationship of high caliber, returns to the eighteenth century England, as on account of cutlery exchange. The genuine lift to exchange mark accompanied Unilever. It advertised its cleanser under the brand Sunlight, underscoring not the item accordingly but rather the brilliance that its utilization will carry to the dresses cleaned with it. The similitude of the items in a similar market has required the checking of merchandise by an image, which could recognize one’s items from comparable products made by others. Exchange Marks assume an exceptionally perplexing job in advertise driven economies, working with regards to fast coordination of world economy. Through notice and different techniques, huge pieces of the pie are caught by a couple of brands prompting centralization of market power in a couple of hands. In the event that care isn't worked out, a creating nation may end up overwhelmed with remote brands, unaccompanied by any progression of innovation and 97 Awareness Course on Intellectual Property Rights uilding up of national capacities. Obviously, indigenous brands are presented to serious and inconsistent rivalry in which they need to substantiate themselves. In 1940 the then British Government of India passed the Trade Marks Act for uniform and precise enrollment of exchange marks India, which came into power on June 1, 1942. The Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958, which happened from November 25, 1959, supplanted it. It got important to impact changes in the exchange mark law as India joined WTO as a unique part in 1995 and it was required to get the Indian law consonance with TRIPS. Consequently new Trade Mark Act, 1999, canceled the old Act. The Act of 1999 makes significant takeoffs from the Act of 1958 out of two significant regards: †¢ Shape of merchandise is perceived as an exchange imprint; and Trade Marks are currently conceded for administrations additionally, other than products. Products is characterized as anything which is the subject of exchange or assembling. Administration implies administration of any depiction offered to clients. Banking, money, protection, transport, vitality gracefully, development, lodgings, diversion, data and broadcasting and so forth are for the most part instances of territories where administrations are offered regarding business, industry or trade. Meaning of administration is intended to be all subsuming. The Registration of Trade Marks is done in Mumbai where the Trade Marks Registry is arranged. There are branch workplaces of the Registry at Calcutta, Delhi and Chennai with isolated wards. Destinations After considering this unit, you ought to have the option to: †¢ clarify the importance of exchange mark; comprehend the way of thinking of exchange mark; recognize what sort of exchange imprints can be enrolled and what can't be; clarify the strategy for enlistment of exchange imprint; and feature the trademark highlights of Indian Trade Mark Law. . 2 WHAT IS A TRADE MARK? An exchange mark, as presently perceived in India, is a visual image (as a word, a name, a gadget, an image, or a name) which recognizes any vendors or makers products or benefits and recognizes them from comparative merchandise or administrations of rivals in the exchange. It might incorporate state of merchandise, their bundling and mix of hues. The Act makes a qualification between an exchange mark and a notable exchange mark. On the off chance that a considerable fragment of open partners an exchange mark with a specific class of merchandise and enterprises, and if this exchange mark is utilized for different products or administrations, and people in general is slanted to relate the new merchandise/administrations with the previous products/administrations, at that point the imprint is a notable exchange mark. In the event that the owner of an exchange mark is a relationship of people, who don't make an association inside the importance of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, the exchange mark is known as an aggregate imprint. An exceptional class of exchange marks is named as affirmation exchange marks. These exchange marks don't demonstrate the starting point of the merchandise, yet are ensured by the owner of the imprint as fitting in with specific attributes, similar to quality, fixings, land source and so on. Agmark utilized for food things in India is a confirmation mark. 98 An exchange mark is a sign utilized on, or regarding the advertising of merchandise. Saying that the sign is utilized on the products implies that it might show up on the merchandise themselves as well as on the compartment or covering of the products. Saying that the sign is utilized regarding the promoting of the merchandise alludes for the most part to the presence of the sign in ads (in paper, on TV, and so on ) or in the windows of the shops where the products are sold. Where an exchange mark is utilized regarding administrations, it might be called administration mark, e. g. administration marks utilized by inns, eateries, carriers, vacationer organizations. The value of an exchange imprint may add up to gigantic aggregates. As per Business Week/Interbrand’s Annual Ranking of the 100 Best Global Brands, 2003, the estimation of the brand name Coca-Cola is evaluated to be $70 billion and that of Nescafe $12 billion! An individual who sells his item under a specific exchange mark procures a selective right to the utilization of the imprint corresponding to those products. Such a privilege can be enlisted under the new Trade Mark Act 1999, which revoked the Trade Mark and Merchandise Marks Act 1958. An enrolled exchange imprint can be ensured against unapproved use by others by an activity for encroachment. An unregistered exchange imprint can likewise be secured against unapproved use by others by an activity of going off.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bullying Speech
Envision getting pounding each day at school for reasons unknown, by your schoolmate or perhaps by some senior person you don’t even know. Or on the other hand possibly by a grown-up. You get back home in wounds and cuts and evaporated blood. Would you be able to envision that? Or on the other hand would you be able to try and picture getting punch at and getting pick at, calling you names in class and undermining writings consistently whether you are in class or at home and you’re companions wouldn’t help you out in light of the fact that they are excessively terrified of the domineering jerk and the harasser would tailed you home and wouldn’t you feel frightened. Would you be able to envision that? There are individuals who experience this in their everyday life.When you harassed somebody particularly for quite a while whether it is physical, verbal, social or digital, it would make the person’s life entirely hopeless and in some terrible cases it may prompt killing themselves since they can't hand the weight or the mortification they face each day. I am going to explain to you about harassing and why I think it is terrible to menace somebody. There are four kinds of harassing: Physical, Verbal, Cyber and Social. Physical harassing as you most likely are aware is the point at which the domineering jerk punches, kicks, hits or some other sorts of physical assaults. At that point there is verbal bullying.Basically what verbal harassing is, the point at which the harasser utilizes words to hurt or mortify you. Verbal harassing incorporates names purposes for living, racist’s remarks and annoying. Social harassing is the point at which the harasser is spreading bits of gossip, disregarding or in any event, dismissing you. Social tormenting is a bizarre sort of harassing on the grounds that it sort of connections with verbal tormenting. At long last there is digital tormenting. Digital tormenting is the point at which you are compromised, mortified, bugged by the harasser utilizing the web. There is no impediment of digital harassing on the grounds that there is such huge numbers of things you could do in the web to digital bully.You could get digital tormented in facebook, bebo, msn and so on or now and again, the domineering jerks can digital harasser you by making a site only for you. Additionally the thing with digital harassing is that it is another kind of tormenting in such a case that you return 50 years, there wouldn’t be any web, or any cell phone, in this manner no digital tormenting. By and by I feel that physical harassing is the least hazardous kind of tormenting in light of the fact that when you get physical harassed there will be scars or checks and your folks will realize that you have been tormented where as in verbal, yber, social there is no scar or stamps and your folks wouldn’t realize you have been harassed. Additionally when you get physical harassed you know yo ur harms will recuperate where as in verbal, digital, social you wouldn’t know when it will leave. For instance: You won’t know when the domineering jerk will quit calling you names and so forth. Some of you may in any case contend that some harassing at youthful age can be beneficial for you since it will cause you to need to conquer issues and you will build up some social aptitudes and discover that life is unfair.I can't help contradicting this on the grounds that the greater part of the victim’s won’t go to bat for themselves and how might you create social abilities if individuals are dismissing you. Everyone discovers that life is out of line not through harassing yet from perhaps getting fault from things they didn’t do or doing errands at home each day, or possibly through your folks continually singling out your more youthful sibling and sisters side and not yours. So what's your opinion of harassing now? Positive or negative? I trust you concur with me.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Disagree Essay In the Future will there be Fewer Cars
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay In the Future will there be Fewer Cars The QuestionIn twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today. Do you agree or disagree?Special Offer: TOEFL Essay Evaluation and ScoringYou can now sign up to have your practice essays evaluated and scored by the author of this web page. Its a great way to learn how you will do before test day and how you can best prepare for the test. Sign up today.The Sample EssayMost people agree that cars will always be an important part of society.. In my opinion, in the near future there will be many more vehicles in use that there are nowadays. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.First of all, the developing world is rapidly urbanizing, which means that in the future more people will need to drive to their workplace. In the past, most people in developing nations engaged in agricultural labor near their homes. In contrast, today people are more likely to live in apartment buildings far from the businesses and industries where they wo rk. My friend Simon is a compelling example of this. His parents and grandparents worked on farms in northern Sokovia. Occasionally, they traveled short distances on foot, but most of the time they stayed fairly close to the village where they were born. Simon, on the other hand, moved to a city last year to work in a steel plant and drives almost thirty kilometers from his home to the plant every day. All of his co-workers do the same,. I can see no indication that this trend will halt in the future. In fact, it seems likely that even more people will experience this.Secondly, incomes are rising all over the world, which means that in the future automobiles will be affordable for even more people. In the past, owning a car was a privilege enjoyed only by those living in the developed world. Now, however, consumers in developing countries like China and India purchase millions of cars every year. Simon’s experience is also typical of this trend. At the moment he does not own his o wn car, but instead gets to work by carpooling with a neighbor. However, he dreams of owning a vehicle of his own. While it might make financial sense for him to continue carpooling or take public transportation, he views car ownership as a symbol of affluence. Simon has even indicated to me that someday he hopes to own two automobiles, just like many people in the west.In conclusion, I am of the opinion that in the future there will be more vehicles on the road than there are today. This is because the world is rapidly urbanizing, and because rising incomes will open up even more markets for automobile companies. (391words)
Friday, May 22, 2020
Constitutional Right to Privacy and the Us Patriot Act...
Privacy Essay Privacy. What do you think the average American would say if you told them they have no Constitutional Right to Privacy, as privacy is never mentioned anywhere in the Constitution? That the information they share over the World Wide Web has little if any protection by or from the government. Of course our government is hard at work to modernize the form of weeding out the unsanitary to which some cenacles might call censorship. But the main question still stands, do we have a right to privacy and is the government violating our natural freedoms, or do we need someone to monitor the actions of our society to keep order. The question is as old as government; to what extent should the government influence our lives. When you†¦show more content†¦This is a very debatable topic and many parents have different grounds for the extent of their childs privacy. Some children are monitored by their parents, correcting every mistake and punishing every misjudgment. Other parents promote more of a free spirit and trust, to teach their child independence and develop experiences. Two are differing theories of parenting and both are different theories of government. One assumes that humans are naturally reasonable creatures and the other that humans are naturally emotionally driven and unreliable. So the question then goes to nature or nurture, and are humans reasonable or erratic? So we assume that man is a combination of both good and evil, and in doing so we assume that some level of privacy is in order but also the government must control those who diverge from the law. The question then Domich 4 arises, to what degree should citizens be left to themselves and what degree should they be monitored? The two extrema of this argument include the State of Nature, which has been previously described, and what is also known as the Big Brother structure. The idea that if man were molded to be perfect from birth, they would in turn live perfect lives is an idea that has been philosophized, debated, and dreamed of for generations of intellectuals. In almost every theorized Utopia, there has been a certain level of censorship. Censorship in these hypothetical societies exists on theShow MoreRelatedThe Patriot Act Of 2001 Essay1224 Words  | 5 Pagesday 2,753(NYmag) families would never be the same, as well as the rest of us that watch in disbelief. The attacks on September 11th 2001 led to something called the Patriot Act. In the days after 9/11 Congress hurried to pass a bill to give law-enforcement agencies the power to fight domestic terrorism. On October 26, President George W . 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Resilience Of Energy Supply Chain - 1588 Words
INTRODUCTION In the era of globalisation supply chains are getting more lengthy and complex hence they are now more vulnerable to disruptions. The resilience of energy supply chain by Luca Urciuoli, Sangeeta Mohanty, Juha Hintsa and Else Gerine Boekesteijn Accepted on 24 September,2013 takes in account how various companies take preventions against supply chain disruptions or security threats and how they manage their supply chain in case a disruption occurs, it also exchanges views on European union support mechanisms and interactions with the oil and gas companies along with the improvements that can be made by the union in order to make supply chains more robust . In this essay I will discuss the reasons for which these disruption occur†¦show more content†¦. As suggested by the article to keep reserve stocks for up to 90 days of supply. For example, in Baji a major oil refinery was set on fire by ISIS forces who were controlling this refinery in the past. This oil refinery was one o the major oil production companies in the country. In such cases small safety stocks will finish in a few days, so only keeping reserve stocks may not be the solution . World s 60 percent oil reserves are in middle east where these types of incidents occur (Critchlow, 2015).Deciding the perfect amount of safety stock is very critical and depends on various factors like company sales ,forecasts and transportation risks. In case of natural disaster or a major disruptions various strategies can be used to prevent loses. As the article suggests alternate product design can be used in case of disruption ,this approach is practical and was used by many companies in the past. For instance, In March,2000 after a major electronic company caught fire in Mexico both Nokia and Ericson were facing component shortage . Instead of waiting for the product Nokia changed the product design and sourced different component from other suppliers while Ericson on the other hand lost millions because of this
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Number of people Free Essays
string(56) " Questions can come in two main forms: Closed and open\." Over the course of the unit, we have used a wide range of interpersonal skills and communication techniques to communicate with our teams. These skills are useful if used correctly, but can also be detrimental to group work when they are overused or misused. Knowing how these skills work is vital for working well in a team situation and producing good work. We will write a custom essay sample on Number of people or any similar topic only for you Order Now Interpersonal Skills Verbal Exchanges: Signing, Lip Reading Verbal exchanges are possibly the most important part of working in a team. By talking to your team members, you can communicate about the current task and learn about the thoughts and ideas of the other people in your team. This is the most common way Of communicating as it is quick and easy. Lip reading and signing can also be used for people who have trouble hearing, although signing requires an understanding of sign language from both parties, which means that it is less likely to be an effective way of communicating. Although it is a good way to communicate, there is a danger of people going off topic and not focusing on the task at hand when they are talking to others in their group. Written messages can be used instead, which allows the team to write out their ideas in a clear and concise way, without veering off topic. Nonverbal Exchanges: Body Language and Intonation On the other end of the spectrum from verbal language, there is nonverbal language. The most common form of this is known as body language and in some cases, can be as useful and informative as verbal cues. Body language describes how a person moves and acts when they are addressing someone. By studying body language, you can assess the attitudes of people in your group, which allows you to change topic when they start to become bored, which will increase the level of information that is passed through the group. This can also be bad if a team member is displaying negative body language such as crossed arms, as it will make the rest of the team less likely to talk to them. Nonverbal communication can also be observed through the attire that someone wears. If someone walks into an important team meeting with inappropriate clothing, it shows that they may not take the meeting seriously and do not feel the need to dress appropriately. Proper clothing can make the rest of the team more inclined to listen to you as you will look more prepared. Intonation is the way that someone speaks to express their thoughts more clearly. This can be simple pauses before words for effect, or increasing and decreasing the pitch of their voice. This is an important tool for effectively broadcasting your views about a particular subject. It is also useful if you are the team leader, as it helps to make your voice more interesting and memorable to the people you are speaking to. While this is useful, it can also be unhelpful when negative Intonation is used, such as using sarcastic comments in response to an idea. Positive and Negative Language Positive language is language that is helpful or constructive, and helps the team work together. This language can be used to critique a person’s work without making them feel like their work is being dismissed unfairly. Examples of positive language can be saying things like â€Å"This is a good piece of work, but it needs to be amended slightly. †Negative language is the opposite of positive language. It is often unnecessarily mean to the receiver and so is usually less helpful, as the person is less likely to take on the criticism. If a group has too much negative communication, it means that they ill be less likely to work well in the group and perform to their best standards. To some people, what is seen as simple criticism can come across as negative, especially when the subject is something personal or something that they have worked hard on. It is important to be careful about what language you are using, but you may have to use a combination of positive and negative language in order to correctly express your opinions of the team work. Active Engagement: Nodding, Summarizing, Paraphrasing Active Engagement is the use of positive, engaging learning techniques in order to help the people you are working with get more involved and remember more than they would in other situations. This type of interaction is helpful in keeping the ideas four team fresh and flowing, which in turn helps to promote friendly behavior and team working within the group. While beneficial, too much active engagement can lead to the lesson becoming distracting, causing the core information to be lost. For active engagement to be effective, it must be used in moderation so that it does not become so energetic that it is confusing. Barriers: Background Noise, Distractions, Loss of Interest Barriers are common in all areas of work, be it teamwork or individual work. Barriers are things that directly affect the amount of information that you can process. All of these interpersonal skills can become barriers to communication if they are used extensively or wrongly. Other barriers can include distraction caused by loud noises or interesting things happening nearby, or mental barriers that are caused by stress or emotional problems. In every area of work, there will be barriers that have to be overcome. These barriers can be exacerbated by other team members, but can also be overcome easier with others to keep the group on track. Examples of overcoming barriers could include taking a short team break when everyone becomes tired and unresponsive. This lets the team process the information so that they can remember it more effectively, and allows them to release some energy so that they don’t become a distraction to others. Types of Questioning: Open, Closed, Probing, Speed Of Response Questions can come in two main forms: Closed and open. You read "Number of people" in category "Papers" Closed questions are ones that can be answered with a simple, short sentence, whereas open questions require a more in depth answer. An example of a closed question could be ‘Meal it sunny yesterday? , while an open question would be â€Å"What did you think of the sunny weather yesterday? Both types of question are good in different ways. Closed questions allow you to get definite, concise information from the answerer. Open questions make it easier to assess the answerers attitude and thoughts behind the topic. Open questions are also good in that they can be used to enter a discussion which stops your team members from becomin g bored, like they would if you had just asked closed questions. Communicating In Writing Guidelines Guidelines are sets of rules that dictate how you should write a particular piece of work. For example, a set of guidelines for a piece of writing intended for children may say that it has to be simple and easy to understand, whereas a piece for people of a higher age may need to be more informative and contain more complex language. Guidelines are good as they give users a clear idea Of how the work should be written so as to convey the message to the highest standard. Emoticons Emoticons are representations of facial expressions made by using symbols on the keyboard (E. G. L) Emoticons are generally informal and are used to indicate the tone of the intended message. In a team environment, emoticons re not generally necessary, and can disrupt the main information in a message if they are overused. Grammar Grammar refers to how sentences are constructed using the proper syntax. Grammar is important in any area of work as it makes your work easier to understand and makes you appear more prepared and knowledgeable. Spelling Spelling is an important part Of any type of work that you do. Good spelling allows your work to be easily read and understood, as well as making you appear more professional. Good spelling also means that you will have to spend less time getting your team members to correct your work and you can Ochs on more important tasks. The need for good spelling is diminished if you speak to your teammates in person, but there will always be work that will have to be copied down, making good spelling a vital part of group work. Structure Structure relates to how writing is laid out in a piece of work. Good structure allows people to follow your work easily, as well as quickly jump to the parts that they need in the writing. Structure can be improved by the use of contents pages, which clearly show what topics are covered in each paragraph. When compiling lots of pieces of team work from different authors, good structure can make save lots Of time by reducing the amount Of time taken sorting through random pages trying to find the right piece of work. Identifying Relevance Relevance is how connected something is to the main topic. By identifying how relevant pieces of work are, you can reduce the amount of time put into researching things that aren’t important to the topic as a whole. Identifying relevance can sometimes be hard, as something that is deemed irrelevant at one point can actually become more important later on. By using techniques such as underlining and highlighting, you can easily ensure that important acts are clearly shown to the reader. Another way of doing this is to completely cut any relevant information and place it into small notes. This way may be effective, but can be risky if you end up cutting some information that later turns out to be important. Proofreading Proofreading is the process of overlooking work thou have written and checking it for any mistakes. By proofreading work before you send it to someone else, you reduce the risk of sending them something that might not make sense, or may give them incorrect or misleading information. Proofreading your own work can be hard, as you are more likely to skim over ND miss any small errors that someone else may catch. Proofreading can be made more efficient by getting someone else to read your work and check for mistakes, leaving the work for at least a day before proofreading so your brain can treat it as a new piece of writing, or reading the work slower than usual and out loud which will help to catch any mistakes that you may have made. Alternative Viewpoints An alternate viewpoint is research that comes from a source that is different from your own. An alternate viewpoint can come in the form of a document that you get from the internet or from collaboration with a co-worker over a ice of work. Getting many alternate viewpoints is important to ensure that your work is not biased or factually Inaccurate. When referencing other people’s work in your own, it is important to clearly distinguish where one person’s viewpoint begins and another person’s ends, and to correctly credit the author of the alternate viewpoint. Note Taking Note taking is a good tool for team working as it allows other members of your team to tell you what could be done better or what needs to be changed. A good way to take notes is electronically, using software such as Microsoft Word. This lets you write and erase notes easily, as well as send updated copies to other people for fast collaboration. Most people use hard copies, where a single physical copy of the work is handed around and people write on the work directly. This approach can be quicker if it is being handed to a small number of people, but note taking electronically makes it easier to assess and change. Capitalization Capitalization is mostly used at the start of sentences and nouns such as England or Mark. When writing abbreviation, capital letters are also used, such as in ELK. Capitalization can also be used to display emotion when writing message, usually in the form of capitalistic every letter of a word to indicate shouting. Shouting in writing is generally thought of as negative and unprofessional, so should be avoided for more important letters. Team review Assessment think that I performed well in my team review meetings and my one-to-one tutorial target setting sessions. I used positive language verbal exchanges with my team members to accurately discern how we worked as a group. Think that I could have used more open questions to gain a better insight into what other people in my team thought about the work that we did. How to cite Number of people, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Nandos Report Essay Example
Nandos Report Essay This proposal is commissioned by the managing director of Nando’s UK (David Niven), which is the Portuguese chicken chain restaurant founded in 1987 from South Africa, soon afterwards, it has spread over 26 countries(Erasmus,2008). UK has suffered from the recession since the April 2008, which was performed in the decrease (4. 9%) of total outcome (Schifferes , 2009). In particular, the situation is getting worse due to the rising of unemployment rate (Gregg, 2009). He figured out in this recession the rate has increased dramatically during the period between 5. % in July 2008 to 7. 3% in April 2009(ibid, 2009), and with some other inspectors pointed out it will reach the peak in 2010 at 10% (Schifferes , 2009). Nevertheless, the Nando’s has committed to his employees, there would be no redundancies, and no salary reduces and would pay bonuses as usual as the response to the recession (2008). The purpose of this proposal is to figure out how the Nando’s can keep out of the fair of recession, moreover, the consequences will be come up with analysis of following statements: †¢ To identify the customer base of Nando’s. To identify how to investigate the influence of the shrink in the economy on Nando’s. †¢ To identify what method you would adopted to analyse the strategies that Nando’s has implemented to ensure that adapt to the change in the economy. We will write a custom essay sample on Nandos Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nandos Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nandos Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 1. http://www. mediaclubsouthafrica. com/index. php? option=com_contentview=articleid=569:nandos-us-170708catid=45:economy_newsItemid=114 2. http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/business/8127248. stm 3. http://www/bighospitality. co. uk/? page=articlesID=204741
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